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6 Ways to Avoid Gluten Cross-Contamination in Your Kitchen

Is Every One In Your House Gluten-Free?

It is not uncommon for one person in the family to require a gluten-free diet, whereas the rest of the family can eat a regular diet. This results in a shared family kitchen, meaning both gluten and gluten-free food items are prepared in it.  This means there is a huge potential for cross-contamination, and needs to be avoided for the sake of the person who cannot consume any gluten at all.

Cross-contamination can cause your gluten sensitive family member to be constantly sick even though he or she is eating gluten free. Sharing a toaster or the same utensils (like a pizza cutter after it was used to cut a traditional pizza) can cause your gluten free family member to inadvertently consume a small amount of gluten which will cause your family member to be sick.

Follow these six tips to help you minimize your risk of gluten cross-contamination in your kitchen which will help to keep you and/or your loved ones healthier.

Click the Next Page to read the 6 Ways to Avoid Gluten Cross-Contamination in Your Kitchen

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