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Gluten Free: Pull Apart Dinner Rolls

Did you think it was possible to have gluten free pull apart dinner rolls?

Well, if you’re like me, I didn’t think it could be possible. You know how gluten free bread is, it is typically just too brittle or firm to allow the kind of behavior indicative of a pull apart roll. Now, Michelle from My Gluten-Free Kitchen adapted a recipe from Rachel at Gluten Free Mama to create awesome goodness. Read the excerpt below and follow the link to get the recipe.

This is what Michelle had to say:

After I had to give up gluten, I tried making my own rolls at home, using my old favorite recipes, just substituting gluten-free flour, and each time they failed miserably. Thankfully, just a few months after my celiac diagnosis and transition to cooking & eating gluten-free, my local gluten-free store brought in Rachel aka Gluten Free Mama for a baking class. I sat there amazed as she whipped up these super easy dinner rolls, then when I got to sample them, I couldn’t believe it. They actually tasted like real homemade dinner rolls! These don’t taste like cardboard, crumble like sawdust, require a knife to saw through, or need to be toasted to be palatable. What a relief, right?!

Just look at the texture:


Read the whole article and get the recipe here


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