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Gluten Free Crepes!

Did You Ever Want Gluten Free Crepes?

Now you can with this recipe by Zerrin at Give Recipe.  Breakfast time can be enjoyable even on a gluten free diet. I love crepes. I tend to like my crepes filled with sweeter fillings like strawberries or creme. I will have to experiment using savory types of foods like ham or sausage. As Zerrin suggests, using Nutella is an awesome idea! I can’t wait to make them. Read the excerpt below and click the link to read the whole article and get the recipe.

Crepes are one of those foods that turn regular a breakfast into a festive one! Who doesn’t crave for a festive like breakfast on a Sunday morning? All family members are around the table waiting for the surprise food of the week and you already know what to make: Paper thin crepes! What if you have to follow a gluten-free diet? Then you should make these basic gluten-free crepes with rice flour.

I made these gluten-free crepes this morning and they were utterly scrumptious! They taste no different from regular crepes made with all purpose flour. It was the first time I used rice flour in crepe batter, so I went a bit experimental and had the right amounts after a few trials.

Very Thin Gluten Free Crepes | | #crepes #glutenfree #riceflour #breakfast

A tip when making crepes: Pour a ladle of the batter on the same point in the pan and roll the pan from side to side to make a round shape crepe. And you should act fast at this step. You shouldn’t add any more batter on it.

You can fill these thin gluten-free crepes with your favorite filling and easily roll them up.

Nutella stuffed gluten-free crepes not only make an amazing breakfast, but they also make a delectable dessert. Sift a little powdered sugar to make them even more appealing. So you can easily make these to satisfy your sweet tooth when you don’t have time to prepare a chocolate cake.

Read the whole article and get the recipe here

Photos courtesy of

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