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Pinner Test Review: Food Intolerance Test (Part 1)

Do You Know If You Have A Food Intolerance?

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I’ve never been tested to see if I have an intolerance or sensitivity to gluten.  I had progressively worsening symptoms for a few years: bloating; sweating; extreme and sudden drowsiness after eating; restlessness/anxiety; moodiness; swollen joints; aching muscles; squealing tummy/intestines; runny, frequent (and foul smelling) bowel movements; etc.  The problem was that these symptoms did not occur after every meal and when they did occur, they would last for several days. So, trying to determine the root cause of the problem was difficult.

In May of 2013, I started experiencing intense pain on the left side of my abdomen. This pain was the same type of pain I experienced when my appendix burst except that pain was on my right side… Since things were not getting better on their own, I decided to get professional help by going to the ER. Unfortunately, the ER Doctor misdiagnosed me with diverticulitis and I was given a 10-day cycle of Cipro antibiotics (you know, the stuff doctors give you to treat anthrax).  The pain went away and my follow-up colonoscopy confirmed that my colon was in great shape with no signs of diverticulitis. So, what was my problem?

Fast forward six months while my “Battle Buddy” from Afghanistan was visiting me.  When he came into my condo, I noticed he was carrying some Hard Cider. Frank was a beer and whiskey kind of guy, so I had to ask him what was up with the cider. He informed me that he was gluten-free now because of the symptoms he developed after we got back from Afghanistan. After he told me his symptoms, I had a “Eureka” moment as my symptoms were nearly identical. So, I decided to try the gluten-free lifestyle. Guess what? After 2-weeks, my swollen gut deflated and I did not experience any of my previous symptoms! Yay!

Well, I’ve been gluten-free for over 18 months, and for the most part, things have been good. I do get inadvertently “glutened,” and that doesn’t make me happy, but all in all, I’ve felt better. However, I still get bloated and my belly/intestines squeal every-so-often–too often for my liking, which leads me to believe that I may have some intolerance to other foods.

Pinner Test

Well, while doing research for content for our blog, I came upon the Pinner Test. This is a test that determines food intolerance. How great is that? The test is simple, quick, and is conducted at home! Watch the video below for an 83 second overview of the Pinner Test that I created when I conducted the test on myself… [Hint: if you are interested in getting a Pinner Test for yourself or your family, continue reading so you can get a $60 off coupon code; click here to get the Pinnertest coupon code now].

Click The Next Page Button To Find Out More Information About The Pinner Test

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